Thursday, September 5, 2013

Kids’ Attitudes About Disabilities Improve With Exposure

Kids’ Attitudes About Disabilities Improve With Exposure


Children who are exposed to people with disabilities — either directly or indirectly — have more positive attitudes about those with special needs, researchers say.
In a survey of 1,520 kids ages 7 to 16, researchers found that increased familiarity with those who have disabilities led to less anxiety and better attitudes.
“We have known for some time that integrating children with disabilities into the regular classroom can improve attitudes. What we have established here is just how much of a difference a greater presence in day-to-day life makes,” said Megan MacMillan of the University of Exeter Medical School in England who presented the findings Thursday at the British Psychological Society’s annual conference.

1 comment:

  1. Rodičia alebo mama a otec hrá veľmi dôležitú a veľmi vplyvný na vzdelanie svojich detí. Pretože sa dieťa narodí svoju matku, ktorá bola vždy po jeho boku a preto on napodobní svoju matku a ayahmya peranggai, dieťa viac lásky k svojej matke, matka apabilah riadne plniť svoje povinnosti. Matka je osoba, ktorá pôvodne známa deti, ktorí pôvodne veril, že to, čo matka neospravedlniteľné, kevuali keď po sebe zanechal s segalah pochopiť, že niekedy niečo v jeho srdci, aj v prípade, že dieťa začalo skvele, s láskou, môže megambil matka srdce navždy.

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